Golf Turf Care Challenges That Don’t Affect an Artificial Turf Installation in Chicago

Chicago_Turf Care Issues Solved by Artificial Turf

Your backyard putting green is an incredible asset for your golf game. It’s a great place to practice and play with friends, but it can be a pain to maintain. Playing and walking on the turf can damage it, so it needs a lot of repair and upkeep. But not if you have an artificial turf installation in Chicago.

Artificial grass looks just like real turf and can withstand the rigors of golf practice and casual play. It also has other benefits, like it’s a breeze to maintain because it doesn’t have the following turf care challenges.

Soil Compaction

Unlike synthetic turf, artificial grass has no issue with soil compaction because it’s made of durable materials. It doesn’t have any roots that will die when the soil around it solidifies from pressure.The only time you’ll have to worry about soil compaction with artificial turf is if you’re using an infill that has sharp edges like gravel. It can be uncomfortable on your feet.

Rocky Soil

Artificial turf installation in Chicago is more forgiving than natural grass when it comes to rocky soil. It’ll stay lush, green and playable even when there are a lot of small rocks in the soil under it. Natural grass can’t thrive in such conditions. The rocks can limit the space the roots of the turf can grow.

Inadequate Irrigation

When you use natural turf, you have to make sure that you’re watering it enough. You also have to make sure that your irrigation system is working properly. Otherwise, it can cause a lot of problems for your golf course.

Artificial grass doesn’t require any sort of irrigation. It doesn’t need water to stay healthy. It’s why people who live in drought-prone areas choose it over real turf.

Poor Turf Grade

Another challenge of having a putting green in your backyard is poor turf grade. Even if you have a course with different holes, there are still spots where the grass isn’t as thick or lush as it could be.

Artificial grass in Chicago helps solve this problem by providing an even surface throughout the entire putting green area. No matter where someone stands on the putting green surface, they will get an even amount of turf grade support under their feet.

Uneven Terrain

With natural grass, you can’t just lay sod down and call it even. You need to work at leveling out the ground, which can be a lot of work.

Artificial turf doesn’t have this problem because it’s made to be installed on uneven terrain. You don’t need to do any leveling or prep work before installing artificial grass; you just lay it down and play.

Simplify Golf Turf Care With a Synthetic Putting Green in Chicago

If you’re thinking about installing a backyard putting green, we’re here to help.

Here at Chicago Artificial Grass Experts, we’ve got everything you need to make sure your new green is the best it can be. Our artificial grass products are top-of-the-line and will last for years and our landscaping solutions are second to none. If you need installation services, we’ve got that covered too.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, just send us a message online!

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